Jackie Lawrence

Images captured at November 2023 IPL APEX VII Weekend in Phoenix, Arizona.
All Things Beauty & Fitness
In this issue of SEAM Magazine, we delve into the world of beauty and fitness with the inspiring Jackie Lawrence. At 53, Jackie is not only in the best shape of her life but also seamlessly blends her expertise in exercise science with her passion for beauty. As co-owner of Fit Foodie Chicks and a recognized face in the fitness industry, Jackie shares her journey of maintaining peak physical health, navigating post-surgery recovery, and embracing beauty at every age. Her candid reflections on fitness routines, skincare secrets, and the joy of helping others make this interview a treasure trove of insights for anyone looking to enhance their own wellness and beauty practices. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind Jackie’s success and her philosophy on living vibrantly at any stage of life.

"Our mission is to help busy women lose body fat without having to give up the foods they love and without having to spend hours in the gym."
SEAM MAGAZINE: You have mentioned being in the best shape of your life at 53. What motivates you to maintain and improve your fitness level?
JACKIE LAWRENCE: For health reasons. I just want to live as healthy as possible for as long as possible! For vanity reasons. I LOVE fitting into all my clothes confidently!
SM: How do you keep your strength training routine challenging yet sustainable?
JL: I focus on progressive overload and consistently chase strength. I also listen to my body and back off when necessary and if needed.
SM: With your background in Exercise Science and certifications in personal training and sports nutrition, how do these influence your approach to fitness?
JL: Having an education on how the body works is definitely a benefit to my approach. I also continue my education and stay on top of current research to apply when necessary. But there isn’t a cookie cutter approach to this, as every body functions somewhat differently. Having that knowledge gives me the advantage to know when to pivot or make changes.

"I'm very serious about my skincare routine. I have a 'system' for mornings and evenings and I stay consistent with it."
SM: How has your recovery been post shoulder surgery? How did you adapt your fitness routine during this time?
JL: Shoulder surgery is no joke! The recovery is long and tedious. I go to physical therapy 2-3x per week and listen to what the doc says. I am able to train lower body with modified movements and I can still stay active with walking. So instead of focusing on what I can’t do, I focus on what I can do!
SM: As co-owner of Fit Foodie Chicks, what’s your philosophy behind this brand?
JL: Our mission is to help busy women lose body fat without having to give up the foods they love and without having to spend hours in the gym.
SM: Moving on to your beauty endeavors, can you walk us through your daily skincare routine and some of your must-have products?
JL: Loaded question here! I’m very serious about my skincare routine. I have a “system” for mornings and evenings and I stay consistent with it. Must-haves are cleanser, anti-aging serums, SPF, and moisturizer.

"I initially started sharing some tips on social media for fun and realized I could really help a lot of women. I then created a business out of it."
SM: You’ve mentioned your love for makeup and its role in making you feel confident. What are some more of your favorite makeup products or brands?
JL: I am partial to Younique makeup but do use some other random brands as well. Some staples I can’t be without are false lashes, foundation & concealer, mascara, bronzer and setting powder.
SM: Could you share a beauty tip or trick that you find particularly effective and that you often share with your friends and followers?
JL: Contouring! It’s like spanx for your face!
SM: How did your beauty blog and social media pages on Facebook and Instagram come about? What inspired you to start sharing your expertise in beauty?
JL: I always had a love for makeup and beauty. I initially started sharing some tips on social media for fun and realized I could really help a lot of women. I then created a business out of it. And I still love sharing and teaching!

"Start NOW! It's never too late. Block out the noise, put your blinders on and BELIEVE! I have witnessed so many women in the mid-life era completely transform."
SM: What advice would you give to someone looking to embark on a fitness journey later in life, like you did?
JL: Start NOW! It’s never too late. Block out the noise, put your blinders on and BELIEVE! I have witnessed so many women in the mid-life era completely transform. It’s incredibly inspiring!
SM: How do you unwind and take care of yourself outside of your fitness and beauty routines?
JL: I love to get massages. I also love to Netflix & chill. And my husband and I like to try new restaurants at least 1-2x per month…it’s our date night.
SM: Looking ahead, what are your goals for the next phase of your fitness journey and your beauty career?
JL: After my shoulder is fully recovered, I would like to get back to training hard again and potentially compete in Bikini in 2025. No matter what, I will continue to do things that make me feel confident, like exercise, good nutrition, and all things beauty.

"It was shocking! And quite an honor! I'm still pinching myself. I truly hope to inspire women that you can rock a bikini at any age!"
SM: Congratulations on gracing the cover of Natural Bikini Magazine this past spring! How does it feel to achieve such recognition for your fitness journey?
JL: It was shocking! And quite an honor! I’m still pinching myself. I truly hope to inspire women that you can rock a bikini at any age!
SM: What have been some of your other most memorable moments or achievements in competing?
JL: Definitely there for the backstage fun! Meeting other competitors and sharing stories is incredible. I also love bringing the sass to the stage. I like to ham it up!
SM: How do you stay motivated on days when you don’t feel like working out or doing your beauty routine?
JL: I do it anyways! You aren’t always going to be motivated. It’s become such a routine for me that it’s just part of my life. I don’t think twice about it unless I am sick, then I take a rest day.

"I feel beautiful in my natural state...Adding makeup, glitz and glam is just the frosting on the incredibly delicious cake. It's delicious with or without it!"
SM: Finally, what does “beauty” mean to you personally? How has your definition of beauty evolved over the years?
JL: I feel beautiful in my natural state (no makeup, no fluff, etc). Which means I am confident with who I am. I wasn’t always that way though. I made efforts to surround myself with people that were genuine and led the life I wanted to live. Who you listen to and surround yourself with matters! Adding makeup, glitz and glam is just the frosting on the incredibly delicious cake. It’s delicious with or without it! SEAM

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