Earn, Succeed, Enjoy In 2022
Technology has evened the playing field so you have no excuse if you have not yet joined the information superhighway.

Impacting thousands of people in the days gone by used to be the special reserve of what used to be called multi-national corporations. But today, thanks to the internet, a kid at her mother’s kitchen table can reach thousands if not millions by simply pressing send or publishing on her iPhone or laptop.
Technology has evened the playing field so you have no excuse if you have not yet joined the information superhighway.
I believe you already know that you should be operating online, and if you don't know…
After over 25 years as a banking “professional” I started dabbling online in 2020, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. What I’ve learned has changed my perspective on how to positively impact more lives, earn more, succeed more and enjoy more. Success, unlike beauty, is not in the eye of the beholder. Success as Jim Rohn says, leaves clues. In this regard I’m only concerned with financial success. When you’re financially successful, it reflects in where you live, the type of car you drive and the causes you support.
To be financially successful, you have to earn by the minute or hour or days. Not every thirty days (or weekly as in America) as an employee even if you’re the chief executive officer of your organization. The biggest names out there earn by the minute. And when you earn by the minute you can enjoy more, like spending more time with your loved ones, going on vacations together, reading good books and supporting the less privileged.
Here are the three things I would do to earn more, succeed more and enjoy more in 2022 and beyond if you asked for my opinion and were willing to pay me to coach you. But you can get them here for free. I believe you already know that you should be operating online, and if you you don’t know, put on your running shoes and run helter-skelter in search of who can help you learn that. Having clarified that position, here are the three things you should do:
Build Your Audience
In the online world, audience is your customers. If you want to succeed beyond your wildest dreams in 2022 build and grow your audience. Again, if you want to succeed online beyond your wildest dreams in 2022 focus single-mindedly on building your audience. I’m not just talking about audience, I’m talking about customers who are willing to put their hands in their pocket and pay you for impacting their lives.
Building your audience or growing your customer base is something that every man, woman and child aspiring to make it big online should instinctively know, but many don’t get it. While it’s obvious to the cognoscenti, it’s not always obvious to the jaded beginner. Rather than jumping mindlessly trying to do a thousand things, do just one thing in 2022 – build your audience.
…if you want to succeed sustainably over the long haul, move away from saying and get on with doing.
The more things change, the more they remain the same. From the time of the industrial revolution to the present day, the only way to grow your business remains capturing ever more satisfied customers you can convert to raving fans. No other thing matters. Having customers salivating for what you have to offer is so obvious that gurus like Edward Deming, John Juran, Philip Crosby, Tom Peters and a host of other gurus have pontificated on it and written many books for over half a century.
Organizations have responded by setting up Customer Service Departments, installing huge and expensive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and spending millions on training yet nothing much has changed. The more they spend the more their service deteriorates because it’s not about systems but attitude of people towards customers.
So as an online entrepreneur, if you want to succeed sustainably over the long haul, move away from saying and get on with doing. Focus on building audience and turning them into raving fans by doing everything you can to make their lives better. You can do this by enlightening them on more productive ways to achieve their goals, by sharing your experience how you overcame adversity, by educating them how to set up their money making machine, by sharing expertise how to be more results oriented and by showing them how to do things with more ease through automation.
Some gurus may advise you to begin with a product and not audience. For your online success, know that audience and products are two sides of the same coin. However, you need just one product to succeed but you need thousands of customers to reach a tipping point. Your product doesn’t have to be great, it doesn’t have to be perfect, it doesn’t have to be excellent from day one. It just has to serve a purpose. It should be able to take your customer from Point A to Point B. You can always come back and tweak it later on as you build momentum. But without audience your product will remain an orphan. So focus on building and growing an audience.
Once I learned these basics I realized online business was not as complicated as I thought it was. I wish I knew how to earn daily twenty years ago.
If you do it right, having a product does not even matter because your audience will at some point ask you if you
have a product that can solve their problem A, B, or C to offer them. You can then tweak your existing product or build an entirely new one to add more value to their lives. The most successful online gurus like Brendon Burchard, Marie Forleo, Natalie Ellis, Gloria Atanmo to mention a few all know this and it’s not a secret. Indeed, they preach it and if you want to succeed in 2022 and beyond, you’d better listen.
So again, focus on building an audience. Build relationships day and night using all available channels. Be generous because generosity is the number one currency of the internet. Have your perspective. Know that there is nothing people want online that they can’t get through Google, YouTube and other search engines. But they might not have the confidence to try them out and they might not understand the context because there are so many viewpoints. That is where you come in…to provide clarity. Help your audience build self-confidence and clarity because people are at different points on their life’s journey. So what works for Mr. A might not work for Mrs. B. By providing clarity, you position yourself to attract more prospects you can then turn into customers thereby positioning you to earn more, succeed more and enjoy more over the long haul.
Earn Daily Rather Than Monthly
While the majority of people earn monthly because they are in paid employment, do you know you can earn daily or by the hour or even by the minute if you knew what to do online? The majority of people who know nothing about online business believe it’s impossible to earn daily, talk less of earning by the hour. They just can’t fathom how that can be done, yet there are thousands earning by the minute because they have set up their systems on auto-pilot.
Let’s say you hate earning daily, why not position yourself to earn at least once every five days? By so doing your earning power will go up by a factor of six. And the good news is that you don’t have to know state governor. You need not be “connected.” All you need is a laptop. And more importantly, you don’t have to work six times or thirty times harder. It gets even better if you can earn while you sleep. And because you’re not into anything illegal, you can sleep with both of your eyes closed.
If you’re an employee and living in a country like Nigeria, where I reside, you’re earning once every thirty days, and to say the least, you’re cheating yourself. If you’re skeptical about what I’m saying I quite understand. I would have felt the same way when I was working as a lowly paid bank worker. Then I thought I was on top of the world. How wrong I was!
The scales finally fell off my eyes when I left paid employment to try my hand at management consulting, which had always been my dream. The first thing I did was engage a coach and he showed me various ways I could make a living online. What he showed me
exploded my perspective but I was still skeptical because it sounded too good to be true. Despite investing quite a huge sum in training, coaching and website development, I gave up after 12 weeks. Then went back to knocking on doors as a struggling management consultant I was accustomed to because everything looked so complicated.
The decision to go back to my familiar territory set me back over seven years until the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020. As were millions of people from all over the world, I was locked indoors and had no choice but to revisit what the guru taught me. I applied one simple strategy and it exploded my earnings.
Suddenly I became a “guru” in my own neck of the woods. All I had to do was learn the basics how to grow my audience, how to use social media the right way, how to build relationships, how to create products and so on. Once I learned these basics I realized online business was not as complicated as I thought it was. I wish I knew how to earn daily twenty years ago.
If you’re an employee earning income once every thirty days you can make 2022 your best year ever by learning how you could earn at least once every five days for a start. This calls for an open mindset, curiosity and linking up with a coach to show you how things work online. You must also have the self-confidence to understand that if things don’t work the world will not come to an end.
If you do these three things, you'll succeed beyond your wildest dreams in 2022 and become the go-to person in your neck of the woods.
Take Action
The third and final thing you should do to earn more, succeed more and enjoy more is to take action. While this is so self-evident, as humans, we like to remain in our comfort zones. We like to procrastinate, and we don’t like to make a fool of ourselves. Some of us are perfectionists and until we are one hundred percent sure we are right, we don’t like to venture into any new endeavors. There are a thousand things that could go wrong if you start a new venture. But 99.99% of them may never happen. All that is keeping you down is your ego.
So, without belaboring the point, take action. A lot of people attend seminars, webinars, read books and even engage coaches but then never lift their finger to do whatever it takes to move the needle in their favor. There are many thing you can do to succeed in any endeavor you engage in but in the center of it all is “You.” You have to learn the tools, techniques, systems, processes, strategies and tactics. While technology is important, it’s an enabler and until you focus your mindset to get things moving nothing will happen.
If you want to make 2022 your best year ever and position yourself to earn more, succeed more, and enjoy more, focus on these three things. Build and grow your audience as if your life depended on it because it does. Rework your strategies to start earning daily. And better still, hourly. And finally, take action. If you do these three things, you’ll succeed beyond your wildest dreams in 2022 and become the go-to person in your neck of the woods. SEAM

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