Top Gut-Friendly Foods
A healthy gut is important to ensure proper brain functioning, which can positively affect all body functions.
Feeding the over 40 trillion good bacteria living in your digestive tract with a plant-based diet can have positive impacts on your health. Some of the bacteria living in your digestive tract are good, and some are not. When you eat a plant-based diet, you feed the good bacteria. That can fight health conditions like inflammation, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. A healthy gut is important to ensure proper brain functioning which can positively affect all body functions.
Many people get the right amount of protein in their daily diet, but they lack the daily recommended value of 40 grams of fiber. If you want to promote proper gut health, you need to add more fiber to your diet.
The good microbes in the gut extract vitamins, nutrients, and fatty acids from the fiber to enhance the function of the immune system. Eating more fiber can help with decreasing obesity and inflammation.
Blood glucose levels and LDL cholesterol can be lowered by soluble fiber that is found in fruits, veggies and oatmeal. Your digestive tract can be cleansed by the insoluble fiber that is found in fruits, veggies, kidney beans and whole grains.

Fuel digestive health by adding more fermented foods to your daily diet. Fermented foods are invaluable additions to your gut since they provide more healthy bacteria to basically overrun the unhealthy bacteria. With healthier bacteria in your gut, your body will benefit from increased mineral absorption. When adding fermented food, make certain it remains raw to ensure that the beneficial probiotics have not been killed through heating from cooking. Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage that helps your body absorb iron better. It is high in vitamin B and is loaded with good probiotic value that is helpful for promoting a healthy gut. Another fermented food is kefir. This fermented food is thicker than milk, but thinner than yogurt. It is made with yeast, kefir grains, and goes through a bacterial fermentation process.

You may be surprised by this next gut-friendly food that most people try to get rid of, so they have a weed free lawn. You can eat the greens of dandelions which can increase the lipids in your blood. This edible weed has inulin which is a prebiotic fiber. You can add dandelion greens to your salad to increase the way your gut produces healthy bacteria. Maybe eating dandelion greens doesn’t sound very appetizing. If that’s true, consider adding broccoli, kale, and asparagus to your diet. These greens are great for promoting digestive health. Asparagus also contains inulin like the dandelion greens. Seaweed is another green that is rich in fiber and other nutrients that can increase the good bacteria that you want in your gut. Seaweed increases mucus in the gut so that digestion is slowed and energy from food is then released more slowly.
Be kind to your body by promoting better digestive health when you add more gut-friendly foods to your daily diet. Eat more foods rich in fiber, foods that are fermented, and green foods like seaweed and broccoli. GAINZ

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