2024 IPL GOLDEN HEART CLASSIC PRO OPEN & PRO MASTERS | Super Pro Qualifier for Open & Masters | Saturday, September 28 @ Civic Center Theatre | Fairbanks, Alaska
“I am incredibly honored to grace the cover of INSPIRE Magazine, and I want to take a moment to highlight the significance of the International Physique League in the realm of natural bodybuilding. This journey has not only allowed me to gain professional status with the IPL, but has also ushered in a vibrant retirement lifestyle that I never imagined possible.”
“This cover blew my mind! I’m still in shock! This five-month prep challenged me in ways I never thought were possible. The victories I walked away with that day proved to me that I was in the right sport and the right place.”
“It was an unforgettable experience to compete in my first fitness competition at 9th Annual IPL Southwest Grand Prix. This achievement is not just a personal milestone, but a profound opportunity to inspire and motivate others to take charge of their well-being through exercise, positive thinking, and a healthy lifestyle. I am immensely grateful to IPL and VIGOROUS Magazine for providing me with this platform to amplify my message and connect with so many wonderful people.”
“Wow! I’m both honored and flabbergasted to be gracing the cover of SEAM! When I decided last fall to compete in the Sunshine Classic I never would have dreamed of the opportunities that would come from saying YES to that show.”
The league’s reality series offers a fun, entertaining, inside look at what it’s like to be a fitness athlete, living the drug-free, healthy, active lifestyle...with some occasional drama.