IPL Athlete Rhonda Flagstad Goes YOLO! Tattoos & Triumphs

In this vibrant interview we dive into the life of a woman who embodies resilience and reinvention. After a life-altering motorcycle accident, Rhonda embarked on a transformative journey, embracing new passions, adventurous travels, and a collection of meaningful tattoos that reflect her rich experiences. From her early days in Alaska to daring motorcycle rides in Ireland, Rhonda shares how these bold choices have deepened her appreciation for life and personal growth. With a supportive network of family and friends by her side, she proves that it’s never too late to embrace the thrill of living fully. 

Professional Photos by Ben Yosef

Tattoo & Motorcycle Photos Provided by Rhonda

I got my first tattoo when I was 18, but I didn’t get my next one until I turned 52.

VIGOROUS MAGAZINE: After your motorcycle accident, what was it about diving into the world of tattoos and a daring new style that called out to you? 
RHONDA FLAGSTAD: I got my first tattoo when I was 18, but I didn’t get my next one until I turned 52. There’s something about being in my 50s that sparked a desire for more tattoos, and now each one holds deep meaning and memories. They represent important moments, people, or personal growth. I think as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to appreciate life’s fleeting nature and wanted to express my experiences and emotions in a more permanent way.
VM: What’s something about you that might surprise your fans or followers? 
RF: I used to live in Alaska, and while I was there, I learned how to Hawaiian dance! It’s an unexpected combination, but it holds a special place in my heart because of the memories and unique experiences it gave me.

I’m still me…just with a deeper appreciation for living life to the fullest.

VM: How do these bold new elements of your life stack up against who you used to be? Are they a reflection of a complete overhaul or just a new chapter in your story? 
RF: It’s definitely a new chapter, not a complete overhaul. I’m still the same person, just more in tune with what brings me joy. I appreciate the simple things in life so much more now, like family, friends, travel, and motorcycles. I’ve added new experiences, like competing in bodybuilding. But at my core, I’m still me…just with a deeper appreciation for living life to the fullest.

Riding motorcycles in Ireland was absolutely mind-blowing! The roads are narrow, winding, and on the opposite side of what I’m used to, which made for some intense moments.

VM: What’s the most adrenaline-pumping risk you’ve taken recently, and what’s the wildest lesson you’ve learned from it? 
RF: Riding motorcycles in Ireland was absolutely mind-blowing! The roads are narrow, winding, and on the opposite side of what I’m used to, which made for some intense moments. We had 14 bikes and 15 people touring the country for two weeks, and it was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life. It taught me to embrace the unknown and the thrill of adapting to new challenges.
VM: In your INSPIRE Magazine feature, you gave readers a raw look at your recovery journey after the accident. For our VIGOROUS readers, can you spill some of the major hurdles you faced and how you bulldozed through them? 
RF: I was incredibly frustrated with myself after the accident, but I channeled that energy into researching how to recover faster. I focused on my diet, eating extra protein, and gradually increasing my physical activity each day. That mindset really paid off because my doctor cleared me to start working out again after just five weeks. One important lesson I learned is to take time to process things mentally and not rush through the emotional aspects of recovery.

I’m so lucky to have an incredible network of family, friends, and coaches who truly get me and back me up.

VM: How crucial has your support squad been in steering you through this thrilling new phase of life? Especially after the accident… 
RF: My support system has been everything. I’m so lucky to have an incredible network of family, friends, and coaches who truly get me and back me up. My coach, Lanet, is especially important to me. She’s been my best friend since 7th grade. I can call or text her anytime, and I know she’ll be there for me. That kind of support has been crucial in helping me bounce back from the accident and navigate this new phase of life.

My favorite, though, is on my forearm. An anchor and a compass. It’s in memory of my parents.

VM: Of course, your tattoos aren’t just ink, they’re stories. Can you give us the lowdown on your favorite pieces and what kind of personal meaning they hold for you? 
RF: Oh, absolutely! I have a Celtic knot tattoo that I got in Ireland, which brings back great memories from our trip there. My favorite, though, is on my forearm, An anchor and a compass. It’s in memory of my parents. My dad taught me to hunt and fish, and my mom passed away two years ago from a tick-borne disease. That tattoo holds so much emotional weight for me. I also have another anchor tattoo that matches one my oldest son has, and it reminds me of him every time I see it.

...there’s plenty ahead to keep that adventurous spirit alive!

VM: What’s next on the horizon for you? Are there any new projects or goals that scream ‘living on the edge’? How do you plan to keep that fierce, adventurous spirit alive?
RF: I’m planning to continue traveling, with trips to Alaska, Arizona, Las Vegas, and Cabo already lined up for next year. I’d love to do another motorcycle adventure, maybe in Spain or something similar to Ireland. On top of that, I’m gearing up to compete in bodybuilding again and have my eye on the Shape Division. So, there’s plenty ahead to keep that adventurous spirit alive! VIGOROUS

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