New IPL Shape Open Pro Vianne Smith Lands Cover Of Natural Bikini Magazine

Natural Bikini Magazine Winter 2024 Cover
“Winning the Open Pro Card for Shape was an incredible experience that left me shaking. I shared the stage with two great friends, which made it even more special. Seeing myself on the cover of Natural Bikini Magazine was a breathtaking moment, that I could have never imagined. Prepping for a show is always a challenge, and I’m grateful to the amazing athletes, judges, and the invaluable posing clinics that helped me prepare. I also want to thank God, my parents, friends, and especially my little girl for all their support. I am excited for the next opportunity to step on stage as an IPL Pro!”
Vianne Smith - IPL Pro
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New IPL Shape Open Pro Vianne Smith Lands Cover Of Natural Bikini Magazine
“Winning the Open Pro Card for Shape was an incredible experience that left me shaking. Seeing myself on the cover of Natural Bikini Magazine was a breathtaking moment, that I could have never imagined! I am excited for the next opportunity to step on stage as an IPL Pro!”
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“I am so grateful for this opportunity! I have been blessed by this organization in so many ways…most of all, the fact I was able to compete AS ME. Can’t wait to compete in SHAPE!”

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“At that moment I realized that this sport was maybe something I should really try to take to the next level and see how far we can go.”

New IPL Shape Pro Megan Salonic Lands Cover Of Natural Bikini Magazine
“This cover blew my mind! I’m still in shock! This five-month prep challenged me in ways I never thought were possible. The victories I walked away with that day proved to me that I was in the right sport and the right place.”
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