Revive Your Love Of Training
Here are six suggestions for accomplishing that goal.
Once upon a time, you loved working out. The motivation to exercise came easily, and you actually looked forward to your workouts. But over the years, your enthusiasm waned. Perhaps injuries got in the way. Maybe a busier schedule sapped your motivation. If this story sounds familiar to you, you know you want to get back to your old appreciation for exercise. Here are six suggestions for accomplishing that goal.
#1 Prioritize Exercise.
Putting something first is a way of telling yourself that that habit is important, and you truly care about it. You aren’t going to get much out of an activity you only do when you happen to have some spare time. If you put your exercise plans above other responsibilities and hobbies, you will find it naturally assumes a more important and meaningful role in your life.
#2 Set Goals.
Inspiration and desire usually derive from having something concrete to work towards. You may have once loved exercise because you were pursuing a definite goal — perhaps simply to exercise regularly, or to get in great shape. As time passed, complacency set in. You must fight against this tendency. Whether it’s to run a mile in a certain time, lift a certain weight or anything else. Having a goal will help.
#3 Bring Back Old Routines.
If you did it in the past, there’s no reason you can’t do it again. Try returning to whatever habits worked for you when you loved exercising. If exercising first thing in the morning was a great experience, stop trying to wait to work out until the evening. Recall precisely what it was you used to like so much about working out. Can you do anything to create similar circumstances?
#4 Don’t Go It Alone.
Most things in life are more difficult solo. Exercising with others can be more enjoyable, making motivation come easier. Other people provide a valuable sense of accountability. You will be supported by and will feel solidarity with your fellow exercisers. So consider joining a fitness group or class or recruiting a friend as a workout partner.
#5 Recover Properly.
It’s possible your loss of joy in working out is more connected to the physical than the mental. You may have minor, nagging injuries that are making working out less fun. Repetitive stress injuries are a particularly common trigger for loss of passion for a form of exercise. Good recovery practices such as using a foam roller, stretching, self massage and sleeping well will keep injuries at bay.
#6 Get Competitive.
Competition can be an incredible way to revive your zeal for fitness. Measuring yourself against others naturally stokes competitive fires, generating motivation. Many people find it far more rewarding to train for some form of competition. A competition offers a benchmark to work toward, thereby fighting against monotony and boredom.
Enthusiasm may naturally wax and wane, but that doesn’t mean you should passively accept a loss of passion for working out. Exercise, after all, is incredibly important for maintaining health. Perhaps as importantly, it would be a shame to completely give up on enjoying an activity that you once genuinely loved.
About the Authors:
Freelance industry experts from around the world.
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