Cover: IPL Women’s Athletic Masters Pro & Evening Gown Masters Pro, Katie Acuna
Cover image from Katie’s shoot with Ben Yosef a few hours after earning her Pro Cards at the 2022 IPL California Championship in Sacramento on May 28th. She also placed 1st in Bikini Masters 40+ (missing the Pro Card by ONE POINT) & 1st in Evening Gown Novice. Katie has been on an incredibly inspirational journey to health, fitness, survival and ultimately TRIUMPH.

INSPIRE Magazine: Self-Care In A Busy World
We juggle multiple responsibilities, racing through the day with little time to rest or reflect. Yet, taking care of ourselves is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity for maintaining mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

INSPIRE Magazine Cover Story: Johnny Mattern Lost 80 Pounds, Earned Top Transformation Award & Became An IPL Pro
“When I saw 230lbs on the scale, that was the eye opener for me. I looked in the mirror and I told myself, ‘I need to fix this.’ I didn’t want to be a statistic…”

INSPIRE Magazine – How Your Environment Affects Your Mental Health
Understanding the impact of our environment on mental health is crucial for fostering a supportive and conducive ecosystem for well-being.