In this exclusive follow-up interview for INSPIRE Magazine, we reconnect with Deanna Faulkner, our Spring 2024 Cover Girl, to celebrate her remarkable achievements at the recent August 2024 9th Annual IPL Southwest Grand Prix contest that took place in Scottsdale, Arizona. Fresh off a series of impressive performances where she not only earned two new Pro Cards but also made her Pro Athletic Open debut, Deanna shares her emotional journey through competition, the invaluable lessons she’s learned, and her evolving approach to fitness. As she reflects on the highs and lows of her continued journey, her insights offer a deeper understanding of what it truly takes to thrive in health, wellness, and the competitive world of physique competition.

"...backstage I tried to keep my emotions in check and on an even keel. Once the show was over, I was really excited and proud of having accomplished what I did. I’m very thankful for the whole experience."

INSPIRE MAGAZINE: Congratulations on your recent successes at the Grand Prix! How did it feel to achieve such outstanding results across multiple divisions, including earning two new Pro Cards?
DEANNA FAULKNER: Thank you! Honestly, between each division backstage I tried to keep my emotions in check and on an even keel. Once the show was over, I was really excited and proud of having accomplished what I did. I’m very thankful for the whole experience. I learned a lot at this show by trying different divisions.
INSPIRE: Pro Athletic Open was a very close call. You missed 1st place by just one point. Can you walk us through your thoughts and emotions during that Pro Debut, particularly being so close to 1st place?
DEANNA: By the time I got on stage for my Pro Debut, all the emotions were starting to come through. I had competed in three different divisions by this time in day, this one being the last time on stage for this show. I was thankful I had made it through, and I was excited to just go out one more time and take what I had learned that day and do my best. Of course, when you are up there and you have worked hard for months, you want to win. But I was happy with my placement, and I was excited for Chrissy who won. I really enjoyed getting to meet her and spend some time backstage with her. I think when you see that everyone is there to do their best and everyone has worked hard to bring their best package, all you can do is appreciate each person’s love for the sport and competing and take the judges feedback and channel that into your next time on stage.

"My approach has switched from just trying to get to the gym to looking forward to the time when I GET to go to the gym! Although the show part is a lot about the physical, the process is so much more."

INSPIRE: Given your impressive performances at the Grand Prix, how have you adjusted your training and preparation strategy for future competitions? Are there specific areas you’re focusing on now?
DEANNA: I’m still processing! I learned a lot this time around with it being my second prep, but everyday is a learning experience. Leading up to this show my coach had me doing something different for my cardio sessions and I think it made a big difference in my lower half. Of course, I’m always focusing on my glutes and legs because they seem to lag behind the rest of my body. Between my first and second shows I put my extra accessories on hold up until prep started, but I think going forward I’m going to continue working on those more specific exercises and see what difference it makes. I’d like to see more balance between my upper and lower half and maybe come in a little leaner in the future. I’ll continue to talk to my coaches throughout the process and discuss any concerns.
INSPIRE: Your journey from amateur to Pro has been incredible. How has your approach to fitness and competition evolved since you first started with Militia Fitness?
DEANNA: When I started at Militia Fitness I had been on a six year hiatus from any type of weight training. I had a back injury in the fall of 2014 that sent me on a downward spiral due to severe pain. That resulted in depression, weight gain, you name it, it wasn’t good. My main focus when I started at Militia in August of 2020 was just getting to the gym, just showing up. After two months there I did a month of nutrition coaching with Kristen. I started to see results but would yo-yo with my nutrition. In January of 2023, I made a conscious decision to limit alcohol intake. This was probably my biggest turning point. I started really focusing on me. My nutrition, my body, my mental health.
     I was a year shy of turning 50 and the opportunity to do the IPL Sunshine Classic was presented. I really wanted to improve my lower half and mostly my backside, so I signed up because I wanted the nutrition training as well as the extra accessory workouts. I wanted to see what my body could do, but I knew I wouldn’t just do the work for no reason. I needed an end goal…the stage! I saw amazing results, I had an absolute blast at the show, and I learned a lot about myself throughout the process. My approach has switched from just trying to get to the gym to looking forward to the time when I GET to go to the gym! Although the show part is a lot about the physical, the process is so much more.

"You get to channel a different persona for each division and I think it gives you a chance to see where you fit, to challenge yourself, and show different sides of your personality."

INSPIRE: You’ve competed in a variety of classes and divisions. How do you decide which to enter?
DEANNA: Well, I started with Figure last October at the Sunshine Classic because that’s what our group from the gym was doing. This time around I knew I wanted to add a division, but also continue in the Figure division. I picked Athletic because it felt a little more natural to me. Once we ran through Figure poses during practice, I started learning the Athletic poses and my head was spinning. It was tough, but I liked being barefoot and I liked getting to show more of the muscular poses. Once I felt confident about the posing for Athletic, I threw out the idea of entering the new Shape division to my coaches and they told me to go for it. I figured, I’m spending the money to travel all the way to Arizona, I may as well be on stage as much as I feel I can handle. Those three divisions are so different in posing, but there are things I like about each one. You get to channel a different persona for each division and I think it gives you a chance to see where you fit, to challenge yourself, and show different sides of your personality.
INSPIRE: With your recent achievements, what has been the reaction from your family, friends, and the fitness community?
DEANNA: Oh goodness! I have really been amazed at the support and intrigue that people have shown. Leading up to the Grand Prix I shared parts of my journey on social media to kind of give a glimpse into the sport and what all actually goes into it…the food, the training, the mental part. I have only been met with support from everyone. Friends my age as well as people half my age have reached out wanting details about what it takes and how to go about getting into the sport and expressing both inspiration and motivation by watching my journey. And my family, they have been my biggest supporters, always there for me to pump me up, fill me with positivity, and remind me how hard I’ve worked and how far I’ve come.

"You have to know how to tune out the negativity, not just from the outside but within your own mind. You have to have the drive to see it through to the end. Even when you are tired, and sore, and want to throw in the towel."

INSPIRE: In your opinion, what does it take to excel in the highly competitive world of physique competition? Are there particular traits or habits you believe are crucial for success?
DEANNA: A lot! I think there is so much that goes into this sport and I don’t know which of these I would say is most important but I do believe that without discipline you won’t get very far. So I would say, discipline, time management, the willingness to be a beginner and to learn. The ability to be flexible and take constructive criticism. A lot of mental strength. Surrounding yourself with the right people. There is so much more than just working out and getting on stage. You have to know how to tune out the negativity. Not just from the outside, but within your own mind. You have to have the drive to see it through to the end. Even when you are tired, and sore, and want to throw in the towel. You have to start with a “why” and remember your why on those hard days. And most of all, the courage to start and be willing to fail in order to succeed!
INSPIRE: You’ve experienced both highs and lows on your fitness journey. What have been some of the most significant challenges you’ve faced since your spring 2024 INSPIRE Cover Story interview?
DEANNA: For me, balance and staying healthy along with all the normal highs and lows of life in general. Fitting fitness and healthy eating into my daily routine without being too difficult, too strict, too lenient, or boring! And staying disciplined. One of my greatest challenges this prep was making it happen while traveling. My husband and I own a juniors volleyball club and we were going to be out of town for volleyball 21 days during June and July…so right at the beginning of my prep. So in order for me to agree to travel and be gone from my gym that many days, I had to ask a lot of questions, research hotels, gyms, food options, meal prepping, carrying food onto airplanes, asking servers for ounce sizes, special requests. My coaches sent me weekly workouts with videos included. I had to really plan out and use my time wisely.

"As for goals, I’m constantly reevaluating and rewriting my goals. Each month I look back over what I’ve accomplished and take a moment to appreciate what I’ve learned."

INSPIRE: Finally, do you have any upcoming goals or milestones you’re particularly excited about? Are there any new divisions or competitions you’re planning for?
DEANNA: Well, I had plans to compete in October, but that got put on hold. So, I’m currently still in prep for another five weeks and I’m deciding if I can make another show happen this year which would prolong my prep. If I can’t make it happen this year, I’ll be looking at the spring shows. As for goals, I’m constantly reevaluating and rewriting my goals. Each month I look back over what I’ve accomplished and take a moment to appreciate what I’ve learned. Future competitions have a lot to do with scheduling for me due to having to travel so I’ll look at what is on the books this spring and go from there. And as for new divisions, I’m not quite sure but I think the Fitness Angels division might be something I explore. INSPIRE

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