New IPL APEX Pro Champ Steven Kendrick Lands Cover Of NATURALMAG

NATURALMAG Fall 2023 Cover

Cover: Steven Kendrick – IPL APEX VII Men’s Bodybuilding Masters Pro Champion.

Photo By Ben Yosef
Fall 2023 interviews & features begin dropping in December.

Cover image captured from stage at 2023 IPL APEX VII in Phoenix, Arizona on November 11.

At APEX 51-years-young Steven Kendrick made his Pro Debut and took the win, becoming the IPL’s new, and reigning APEX Pro Masters Bodybuilding Champion.

Not only would Steven take the Pro Masters title, but he would also try his hand in Amateur Open, where he earned another IPL Pro Card!

THEN, to seal the deal and put his stamp on APEX VII and the 2023 IPL contest season, Steven would earn the Athletic Open Pro Card as well!

Competing in the IPL has been a privilege and a great experience. Making the cover of NATURALMAG is a huge accomplishment that no one should take for granted. I love what the IPL is doing for the sport. Not only keeping it pure, but inspiring the future through the many social platforms. I want to thank Ben, the judges and all my fellow competitors for the opportunity to represent this organization and the standards that it holds.

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