4X IPL Pro Masters Athletic Champion Bob Wills Lands Cover Of INSPIRE Magazine!
“I would have never dreamed this was possible at the beginning of the year! I am extremely grateful to be alive and healthy at age 59! If I can be an inspiration to even one person to not take their health for granted, it will all be worth it.”
INSPIRE Magazine Fall 2023 Cover
The Grand Prix was Bob Wills’ return to the stage after a 2-year absence. Bob had a heck of a journey with health and recovery during this time. He was able to return to the stage in August and was an absolute inspiration! At the Grand Prix he earned an Inspiration & Transformation award. He also competed in Pro Masters Athletic, placing 4th and Pro Masters Sports Model, placing 3rd.
I would have never dreamed this was possible at the beginning of the year! It was a long journey back to the stage after serious health challenges the last couple years. And what a great IPL experience it was! From the photoshoot and the first Press Pass on Friday, to the Show and photoshoot on Saturday! I am extremely grateful to be alive and healthy at age 59! Thank you again Ben for this honor. If I can be an inspiration to even one person to not take their health for granted, it will all be worth it. However, more would be even better! I am getting better each day and look forward to taking part in the IPL experience again in 2024!"
Bob Wills - 4X IPL Pro Masters Athletic Champion
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