SEAM Magazine Cover Story: IPL Pro Deanna Faulkner Is Feeling Fabulous & Fit At 50!

“…I have made a point to try new things and step further out of my comfort zone. I’d rather look back and say, ‘wow, I can’t believe I did that’, rather than ‘man, I wish I had.'”
SEAM Magazine: Minimalist Makeup – Look Flawless With Fewer Products

The goal is to enhance your natural beauty with a curated selection of products that offer multifunctional benefits. This approach not only simplifies your routine but also encourages a more sustainable approach to beauty. By focusing on fewer, high-quality products, you reduce waste and give your skin a chance to breathe.
IPL Pro Deanna Faulkner Lands Cover Of SEAM Magazine

“Wow! I’m both honored and flabbergasted to be gracing the cover of SEAM! When I decided last fall to compete in the Sunshine Classic I never would have dreamed of the opportunities that would come from saying YES to that show.”