ATHLETIC Magazine – Will Bob Wills Make Another Comeback in 2024?

A four-time IPL Pro champion, Wills made an inspiring return to the stage in 2023 after a two-year hiatus. The road to that moment was anything but easy. Now, as we approach 2024, the question on everyone’s mind is: Will Bob Wills return to the spotlight again?
ATHLETIC Magazine Cover Story: 6X IPL Pro Champ Rob Tenerowicz Is 61 & At The Top Of His Game

“Make fitness part of your lifestyle. Make it a daily habit. The question for me was never IF I’m going to work out today. It was always WHEN am I going to work out today?”
ATHLETIC Magazine – Marc Monaco’s Possible Return To The Stage In 2024

“I feel I’ve done enough in Athletic and Sports Model. I’m really intrigued with the idea of possibly earning my Pro Cards in Bodybuilding.”
ATHLETIC Magazine: 12 Ways To Build A Big Mind

In the realm of fitness and personal development, a strong mindset is just as crucial as physical strength.
ATHLETIC Magazine: GO FOR IT! – Why You Should Enter A Physique Competition

“Stepping onto that stage is not just about showcasing your sculpted physique, but a celebration of your hard work, resilience, and unwavering commitment to self-improvement.”
ATHLETIC Magazine – Top 6 Risks With Anabolic Steroid & PED Use In Physique Competition

Physique Competition often pushes athletes to seek ways to maximize muscle growth, strength, and performance. While anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) may seem like a shortcut to achieving these goals, their use carries significant risks that can impact both short-term and long-term health.
61-years-young, 6X IPL Pro Champion Rob Tenerowicz Lands Cover Of ATHLETIC Magazine

“I’ve had the privilege of being an IPL Athlete since 2019, and have experienced the overwhelming encouragement, support and motivation provided by the league and its athletes. To be chosen to represent the IPL and grace the cover of the ATHLETIC Magazine is a tremendous honor.”