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What Does Pro Qualified Mean?
“Pro Qualified” means that you are qualified to compete in the IPL as a Professional Athlete. Technically you are an IPL Pro. However, you may still compete as an Amateur (Open, not Novice) as long as you have not yet competed as an IPL Pro. In the event that a Pro Qualified Athlete competes in an Amateur Pro Qualifying class and wins (places 1st) the competitor who placed 2nd would be awarded the Pro Qualification. In the event that there are less than five competitors in the class, the 2nd place finisher would need to achieve the necessary 7 point average score in each judged category in order to receive the Pro Qualification.
PRO CARDS: One Pro Card (1st place) per Open & Masters 40+ Pro Qualifying class. In the event that there are less than five (1 to 4) competitors in a Pro Qualifying class, the winner must achieve a cumulative average score of 7 points in order to be awarded Professional status.
What is a Super Pro Qualifier?
Athletes who earn Open or Masters Professional status will qualify to compete in the same contest at the Pro level if they choose to. Please be aware that there is a $200 entry fee for the Pro class. Athletes are not required to pay this fee on contest day. It will be taken out of the Pro winnings.
Which Shows Are Pro Shows?
All IPL contests offer both Pro Open & Pro Masters classes.
Does The IPL Recognize Pro Status From Other Organizations?
No. In order to compete as an IPL Pro all athletes must achieve IPL Pro status by winning an IPL Pro Qualifier.
How Long Does IPL Pro Status Last?
Upon achieving IPL Professional status, an athlete must compete at the IPL Pro level within the following two complete seasons. For example, an athlete who turns Pro during the 2024 season, must compete at the Pro level at some point before the end of 2026.
If an athlete does not compete at the Pro level within two seasons, their Pro status will expire. Pro Athletes will then have an opportunity to extend their Pro status for an additional season for a fee of $200. Athletes will only be allowed one extension.
I Earned My IPL Pro Card. What Happens Now?
In the IPL, we really want Pro status to mean something. Obviously, it’s a great accomplishment in itself to earn your IPL Pro Card. But what now?
IPL Pro Status increases your marketability and prestige within the Fitness Industry and will help you attract more “followers”, clients, customers, sponsors and business opportunities.
In addition, IPL Pros who are seen as good ambassadors for the league will be offered an “IPL Athlete Contract.”
- Magazine Covers.
- Magazine Interviews & Features.
- “The Real IPL” Reality Series Features.
- IPL Podcast Appearances.
- Promotional videos featured on IPL’s YouTube channel, IPL’s Instagram as well as other outlets.
- Social Media Tags (increasing your exposure & growing your followers).
- Coaching (serve as an official IPL coach for posing/prep etc…) if you so desire.
- Become an IPL Ambassador and receive discounts on Entry Fees and earn commissions for people you refer to the league.
- IPL “PRESS PASS” Interviews.
- Brand Building Opportunities (we help to grow your business, including access to our 3,200+ email list and 25,000+ combined social media following).
- A Dedicated Athlete Page On the IPL Website.
- Promote/host your own IPL contest, if this interests you.
- Become an Official IPL Contest Judge, if this interests you.
Now That I Am An IPL Pro, What Can I Win?
The IPL does not offer cash payouts. Instead, Pros are compensated with credit that can be used towards future IPL contest entry fees. The credit must be used either during the current season or the following 2 years/seasons. After that, it will expire. In addition, Pros will receive various awards and prizes from the IPL and contest sponsors on show day.
In addition, Pros are awarded our custom 5 inch Pro medals as well as larger trophy statues at IPL competitions.
A drug-test failure will result in disqualification and suspension, according to the IPL’s Drug-testing Policy. And a forfeit of all credits held by the athlete, including new and previous credits. The contestants who placed in the spots below will be awarded the higher placement and credit pending their drug-test results.
Pro Winnings Structure
***Please be aware that the IPL does not enter into contractual agreements or obligations regarding Pro placement compensation. The IPL does not assume any legal obligation to distribute Pro payout compensation.***
IPL Pros are compensated according to how much has accumulated in the “Pot.”
1 Pro Entry
1st place = $200
2 Pro Entries
1st place = $250
2nd Place = $150
3 Pro Entries
1st place = $300
2nd place = $200
3rd place = $100
4 Pro Entries
1st place = $400
2nd place = $250
3rd place = $150
5 Pro Entries
1st place = $500
2nd place = $300
3rd place = $200
6 Pro Entries
1st place = $600
2nd place = $350
3rd place = $250