47-years-young, IPL newcomer Danny Herrera was an inspiration at the 8th Annual August 2023 IPL Southwest Grand Prix in Phoenix, Arizona. Danny earned an Inspiration & Transformation award at this contest. He also competed in Men’s Bodybuilding Masters 40+, placing 3rd. This is Danny’s story.

"...AT my best, I can BE my best. In my work, in my mission, for my family and the people I serve daily."

“Men are vital to the family. Men are needed to stand in the gap for our families. 18 weeks ago, I didn’t feel like I was myself. 2022 was a rough year as I almost lost both my parents due to illnesses. I had let myself go. I just didn’t care anymore. I let the “Dad Bod” inside of me take over! But I knew this wasn’t the way. I knew deep inside I was better than that!

I have always loved fitness. And I needed to tap into my WHY. So I did! I made a vital decision to make a declaration and promise to myself and my family that I would pursue my best self in 2023!

I stand before you, not as a man that has arrived. But a man who knows that AT my best, I can BE my best. In my work, in my mission, for my family and the people I serve daily.

"Transformation is possible. All it takes is a DECISION! Let’s decide to Level Up today!"

I want to thank God for the breath of life! I want to thank my Bride Rosie Herrera for her constant support! Happy 23rd Anniversary! And to our children Alanna, Caleb and Joshua for being my legacy and pushing me to greatness!

Thank you to the IPL for this opportunity to showcase my hard work and giving us a place to show Transformation! And to our team Transformation Nation, you all make me better! You’re a huge reason I stand here today!

Transformation is possible. All it takes is a DECISION! Let’s decide to Level Up today! INSPIRE

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