In the latest issue of INSPIRE Magazine, we delve into the remarkable journey of Rhonda Flagstad, a resilient soul whose life took a drastic turn after a devastating motorcycle accident. Navigating through the arduous path of recovery, Rhonda found solace in her unwavering passion for competition. Through the haze of doubt and pain, she made a solemn vow to return to the stage stronger than ever. With an unyielding support system comprising family, colleagues, and coaches, Rhonda embarked on a journey of healing and transformation. Her story is a beacon of hope for anyone facing adversity, reminding us all to never succumb to doubt and to relentlessly pursue our dreams, no matter the obstacles.

"Not knowing the extent of the injuries at that time was the scariest part. Watching the fire trucks drive up I was just telling myself to breathe and not go into shock."
INSPIRE MAGAZINE: Can you walk us through the moment of your motorcycle accident and how it impacted your life?
RHONDA FLAGSTAD: I was having a great day riding with my husband (separate bikes). We were riding on some back roads in Wisconsin, and I hit some sand. My bike started to wobble, and I was slammed to the ground. I was knocked out for about 30 seconds and when I came to, my face shield on my helmet was gone, my helmet filled with dirt, and I was bleeding from my elbow. I was laying on the road and my husband came to check on me and called 911. I tried to move and realized the pain was just too bad on my right shoulder. Not knowing the extent of the injuries at that time was the scariest part. Watching the fire trucks drive up I was just telling myself to breathe and not go into shock. I found out my injuries were pretty scary. I ended up with a broken collarbone, scapula, three vertebrae and a lacerated kidney. And I got 14 stitches on my elbow.
INSPIRE: What were some of the biggest challenges you faced during your recovery process?
RHONDA: My biggest challenge initially was to get out of the hospital and make it to my daughter’s wedding which was six days after the accident. I did make it out of the hospital three days before the wedding and everything turned out beautiful for her. I would say the next biggest challenge was having to slow down and heal. I’m a very fast paced person so slowing down for me was hard and not being able to move my arm or have any range of motion was the most difficult.

"Laying in a hospital bed gave me lots of time to think about a lot! I realized how much I love competing and made a vow to myself to come back stronger and better."
INSPIRE: How did you maintain your passion for competing while going through such a difficult time?
RHONDA: Laying in a hospital bed gave me lots of time to think about a lot! I realized how much I love competing and made a vow to myself to come back stronger and better. When something is taken away, like going to the gym or not being able to move your arm at all, it really made me realize how much I enjoy the process of competing and how much I am thankful that I have that opportunity to compete.
INSPIRE: What role did your support system play in your journey back to the stage?
RHONDA: I have an amazing support system between my family, my work, and my coaches. My husband helps with my meals every week. Mostly he grills/smokes all of the chicken I need, and it is amazing! My co-workers know when I’m competing and always make sure there are options for me, and I have an amazing team of people at work! My coaches Lanet and Teresa are amazing and always supportive and there for me with any questions I have.

"...I felt like I was starting over. It was frustrating, but I also loved being back in the gym. It felt so good to be back."
INSPIRE: Can you share any specific techniques or strategies you used to overcome physical and emotional hurdles on your road to recovery?
RHONDA: I read lots of information on how to heal quickly. I’m always on the move, so it is hard for me to just relax. I really focused on nutrition to see if that would help. I bought extra protein shots to find extra ways to get more protein. I do really think it helped my recovery. I did a lot of stretching and just trying to move my arm even a little to get range of motion back as quick as possible. My Orthopedic Doctor was really impressed with my recovery, and I had about 90% range of motion back in only five weeks.
INSPIRE: Is it safe to assume that you had setbacks or moments of doubt during your prep?
RHONDA: I definitely had my doubts at first. When my doctor released me back to lifting, I could only lift 1-pound and 3-pound weights, so I felt like I was starting over. It was frustrating, but I also loved being back in the gym. It felt so good to be back.

"One perspective was changing my mindset from, 'I have to go to the gym.' to 'I GET to go to the gym today!' I feel fortunate that my injuries healed and that I can still compete."
INSPIRE: What kept you motivated?
RHONDA: Setting a competition date helps keep me motivated. Whenever I set a date to compete, my physical transformation starts but I also notice a mental transformation as well. My relationships get better, my work gets better, just overall happier with life.
INSPIRE: How did your perspective on life change as a result of the accident?
RHONDA: I have always had the belief that we need to, “Enjoy life and live to the fullest.” This accident has reinforced that even more. One perspective was changing my mindset from, “I have to go to the gym,” to “I GET to go to the gym today!” I feel fortunate that my injuries healed and that I can still compete.

“I was just so happy! I was so thankful to be on stage…I was really trying to enjoy the moment, as these things can be taken away so quickly.”
INSPIRE: In what ways do you believe this experience has shaped you as an athlete and as a person?
RHONDA: It really made me appreciate that I have been lifting for 10 years. The doctors believe that helped “keep” everything in place. So to hear that made me realize that we workout and lift weights for everyday life! The stage is a bonus. [smiles]
INSPIRE: Can you describe the moment when you stepped back onto the stage after your recovery? What emotions were running through your mind at that time?
RHONDA: I was just so happy! I was trying to really enjoy the moments on stage and Evening Gown was one of my favorites. I was just having so much fun up there! I was so thankful to be on stage. I really have such an appreciation for any athlete who goes through this process. So, to be in an accident and come back better than before was my goal. I always want to be leaner, but I struggle getting lean enough. So, I really wanted to have fun with posing on stage. I was really trying to enjoy the moment, as these things can be taken away so quickly.

"Never quit! I have stopped and started thousands of times, but I will never give up and never quit. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. It is so worth it!"
INSPIRE: At the April 2024 IPL Arizona Championship you did not enter the Inspiration & Transformation division. Your story would have certainly had a major impact at that event. Why did you not enter I&T?
RHONDA: I didn’t realize I could. But also, I have won the I&T division in the past, so I am fine with watching others enter this category and see their stories. The stories of Inspiration & Transformation are so inspiring to me.
INSPIRE: What advice would you give to others who may be struggling with similar challenges in their own lives?
RHONDA: Never quit! I have stopped and started thousands of times, but I will never give up and never quit. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. It is so worth it! INSPIRE

More Rhonda Flagstad

SEAM Magazine: Rhonda Flagstad’s Work/Life Balance
“…I’ve found that when I prioritize fitness and nutrition, it helps everything else fall into place.”

VIGOROUS Magazine: IPL Athlete Rhonda Flagstad Goes YOLO! Tattoos & Triumphs
“I’m still me…just with a deeper appreciation for living life to the fullest.”

INSPIRE Magazine – Rhonda Flagstad’s Journey From Devastating Motorcycle Accident Back To The Stage
“One perspective was changing my mindset from, ‘I have to go to the gym.’ to ‘I GET to go to the gym today!’ I feel fortunate that my injuries healed and that I can still compete.”
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