The Inspiration & Transformation division is for individuals who have overcome challenges such as disease, illness, cancer, trauma, obesity, disorders or other health issues. This gives the contestant an opportunity to share their success and inspire. Showing us what is possible when you never give up. This division is a true celebration of your personal journey to a more healthy, active lifestyle.
After you have registered to compete in the Inspiration & Transformation division you will receive an email with a link to submit your bio and “before” image.
- Your one minute story will be read by an Emcee during your walk. Your story should be about yourself, describing your personal journey. Whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
- Your “Before” photo will be shown on a projector while you are on stage and your story is being read. Jpeg or PNG files only.
Additional Details:
- Medals are awarded to all contestants. A Top Transformation trophy is awarded to one male and one female.
- There are no specific clothing guidelines for this division. Contestants may wear what they are comfortable in. This may be a gown, workout attire, swimsuit, casual attire, a business suit or dress, etc.
- Contestants may choose a song they would like to walk out on stage to.